Thursday, October 1, 2009

Organization and Prepartation Tips

What do you think are the author's three most important points?

Garr Reynolds basically had 3 major points:

1) Simplicity.
A good presentation is about being concise and not saying too much when you don't have to. Knowing what to leave out is often harder than knowing what to include.

2) Structure:
How are you going to present your information? Good presentation needs a structure so that information can build on itself and the audience can follow a clear path through your material.

3) Story:
A story is often the best way to illustrate complex topics and make your audience connect to your presentation. You also have to know your audience to know how they will connect.

How might you apply his advice to your own presentation?

In terms of my own presentation, I'm going to try and follow most of his guidelines. I hopefully know my audience pretty well! Simplicity is the main thing I want to shoot for. Trying to put too much information into presentations has been a problem of mine in the past. I want to make sure I have a well structured and easy to follow presentation.

What do you think presentation preparation has in common with product design?

Product design and presentation "design" have a lot in common I think. The first question is do each do what they were intended (serve it's function or convey it's info). The second thing you ask is how the consumer/viewer liked the "design" and how effectively it performed. Both need to focus on how they make the consumer/viewer feel.

I, like several of my peers it would appear, would like to focus more on the reflective design. I find this level very interesting and think it would be fun to study farther.
Either that or pipe, we could go on that all day!

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